If the curfew is violated in factories, the penalty will apply only to the owners - Central Government

Prime Minister Modi has announced that the curfew will be extended till May 3. He said some restrictions would be relaxed after the 20th. Accordingly, on the 15th, the Union Home Ministry issued guidelines.

It said that some factories could operate in rural areas and special economic zones, and that workers should stay in the factory premises. Violations and punitive measures were announced.

Meanwhile, the Union Home Ministry has been informed that some media outlets are publishing information about the sentencing action. That is to say, in the factory premises, the coroner's guidelines would be to punish its directors and management if coroner damage was confirmed to any employee.

The Union Home Ministry yesterday clarified this. It states: -

Information in some media was brought to our attention. But, according to the Disaster Management Act, curfew violation is only applicable to factory owners.

That, and with the consent of the owners, negligence and knowingly committing crimes, they will be punished. It is stated thus.
Source : Daily thanthi

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